7 ADHD friendly productivity tips.

7 ADHD friendly productivity tips by Valentine Writes

1. Minimalism

My place is a mess, but my office desk is (usually) clean and organized? The trick? My desk ONLY has my laptop. Only. Nothing else.

Cutting out everything that doesnt matter helps to organize that which does.

2. Opt out of capitalism.

Say no to the craving / desire for “more.” If you have less holidays, less things to buy, less material possessions, you can reduce the amount of “productivity” you need.

That frees you to do things you WANT. Especially those that are free.

3. Outsource / Delegate.

Everything is in scope: laundry, cooking, cleaning, driving, organizing, social media management, editing, note writing, activity planning.

If your outsourcing is paid for instead of free, the better. You can focus on outcomes over relationships.

4. Anchor.

Have something around which other things revolve. This could be work, an appointment, spirituality, a book, a hobby, a relationship… something that is *valuable* to you.

Everything else must fit around that thing. Eat that frog, say no, prioritze around the anchor.

5. Unplug.

 Silence, sunshine, quiet, music, rest, walking, relaxation, solitude, meditation… in whatever form, replenish your cup by intentional removal of stimulation from the body and mind.

For productivity sake, as well as an end to itself.

6. Braindump.

Write things down with no intention of keeping track / record of it. As a voicenote, in conversation, as a list, on your phone.

Allow your ideas to exist outside your head.

7. Live in Beta.

 Perfection is a thief of joy and productivity.

Instead embrace improvement. Create the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) of a task, report, speech, request, concept, artwork. Release it into the public.

Then iterate.


First posted a Twitter Thread by Valentine Writes

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